Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Windows 8 Enterprise RTM Build 9200 Evaluation Version Direct Downloads With Windows 8 Activator with serials

Windows 8 is now available for every one. Today I am posting the direct download links from official website. 
You don't have to sign up on msdn. The activator I provided activates Windows 8 
for 180 days until February 2, 2013.

Activation and Usage Guidelines
Upon installation, you will have 10 days to activate this evaluation online. Windows will prompt you to activate. A product key is not required for this software.
You must complete activation before August 15, 2013, to use this evaluation.
Once you activate, you have up to 90 days to use the software. You can track the amount of time you have left by referring to the "watermark" in the lower right corner of the Windows desktop.
If you fail to activate this evaluation within the 10-day grace period, or if your evaluation period expires, the desktop background will turn black, you will see a persistent desktop notification indicating that the system is not genuine, and the PC will shut down every hour losing unsaved work.
Following the evaluation period, you will need to replace the operating system on your test computer and reinstall all your programs and data. It is not possible to upgrade the evaluation to a licensed working version of Windows 8. A clean installation is required.

                                      Download Activator

                                      Download  Serials

1 comment:

  1. I think Windows 8 Enterprise RTM Build 9200 don't need serials. May be I am wrong. Please don't mind.
