Wednesday, August 22, 2012


How many times have you been browsing through directories in Windows
Explorer and wished you could generate a text file or printout listing the
files and folders? It seems like such a simple request that it’s amazing the
option isn’t available. You don’t believe me? Right-click on a folder and
see for yourself if there is an option to list or print the structure. There
isn’t, but there is a workaround that doesn’t require any third-party soft-
ware. Here’s how to create a context menu item [Hack #29] that, when
clicked, generates a printable (and editable) text-file listing of the selected

To create the entry in the context menu it’s necessary to first create abatch
file. A batch file is a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a
computer operating system and uses the.bat extension. The format for the
.bat  file is:

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