Sunday, August 26, 2012

HTML & XML for Beginners pdf

There are some Web design tools that don't generate HTML. For example, Macromedia 
Flash is one such tool. It generates special animation files that must be embedded in HTML 
so that they will work properly. Bottom line, Flash doesn't generate HTML code, and you 
must know HTML to place Flash animations in your Web pages unless you use an additional 
Web page design tool such as Macromedia Dreamweaver.
There is another reason you should know HTML. The Web is a community that is based largely on sharing. It 
is common for a technique used to get a desired effect on a Web page to appear later on someone else's 

page. I'll let you decide if "imitation is the highest form of flattery." But the reality is that you can learn to do 
incredible things by studying the HTML code of Web pages that you like. Understand that I'm not endorsing 
or recommending that you make a habit of borrowing ideas and HTML from others. In some cases it may be 
illegal, and in others just not cool. What I am saying is that if you see a page you like, take a look at the 
code and figure out how to make your own HTML magic.

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