Sunday, August 12, 2012

Electrical Technology

1.2. History of Electricity 
Electric is a sort of energy which can neither be seen nor touched 
but its presence can be experienced in its applications like electric bulb, 
heater, motor, or an electric operated radio set. 
 About 2500 years ago a Greek philosopher Mr. Thales discovered 
that if amber was rubbed with wool or fur it would attract light objects 
like pieces of paper. Nothing much was done till the year 1600 when Mr. 
William Gilbert of England conducted many experiments and found that 
many other bodies had the same property of attraction after being rubbed 

with suitable materials. Gilbert gave the name  electricity to the force 
produced in amber rod by rubbing it with fur after the Greek work 
elekron used for amber. The electricity produced by frinction is at rest, 
hence it is called static electricity.
 Static electricity is like the still water of a pond and it is not as 
much useful as the flowing water of a river. Similarly, static electicity is 
of little practival use. Many scientists carried on the experiments on 
static electricity and then Mr. Volta made his Voltaic cell to produce

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