Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Database Management Systems 3rd Edition by Ramakrishnan -


The goal of this bookis to present an in-depth introduction to database man-
agement systems, with an empha.sis onhow to design a database and 'li8C a
DBMS effectively. Not surprisingly, manydecisions about how to use a DBIvIS
for a given application depend onwhatcapabilities the DBMS supports effi-

ciently. Therefore, to use a DBMS well, it is necessary to also understand how
a DBMS work8.
Manykinds of database management systems are in use, but this bookconcen-
trates onrelational database systems (RDBMSs), which are byfar the
dominant type of DB~'IStoday. The following questions are addressed in the
corc chapters of this hook:

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