Sunday, August 12, 2012

Art Enhancing Computer Graphics

“Knowledge and techniques long used by artists are now being applied to computer graphics
to emphasize specific features of a scene, expose subtle attributes, and omit extraneous infor-
mation, (giving) rise to a new field. [GG01]” Gooch and Gooch are referring to the field of

nonphotorealistic rendering (NPR). As the name implies, scientists in NPR create algorithms
to display information in styles other than realism. Figure 1 gives a brief illustration of the
Goochs’ remark. In Figure 1b artistic enhancements were applied to the standard volume ren-
dering in Figures 1a, resulting in a more informative, nonphotorealistic image, revealing the
fibrous complexity of the tomato’s structure [RE01]. (Similar enhancement techniques applied
to medical imagery are discussed in Section 4).

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