Thursday, August 30, 2012

Introduction to Oracle PL or SQL Additional Practices pdf

These additional practices are provided as a supplement to the course  Introduction to Oracle9i: 
PL/SQL. In these practices, you apply the concepts that you learned in Introduction to Oracle9i: 
The additional practices comprise of two parts: 
Part A provides supplemental practice in declaring variables, writing executable statements, interacting
with the Oracle server, writing control structures, and working with composite data types, cursors and 

handle exceptions. In part A, you also create stored procedures, functions, packages, triggers, and use 
the Oracle-supplied packages with i SQL*Plus as the development environment. The tables used in this
portion of the additional practices include  EMPLOYEES,  JOBS,  JOB_HISTORY, and 
Part B is a case study which can be completed at the end of the course. This part supplements the 
practices for creating and managing program units. The tables used in the case study are based on a 
video database and contain the tables TITLE ,  TITLE_COPY ,  RENTAL,  RESERVATION, and 
An entity relationship diagram is provided at the start of part A and part B. Each entity relationship 
diagram displays the table entities and their relationships. More detailed definitions of the tables and 
the data contained in each of the tables is provided in the appendix  Additional Practices: Table 
Descriptions and Data.

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