Thursday, August 30, 2012


This handbook is to provide a single source of information covering the proper 
design of circuits employing the versatile modem operational amplifier. This manual will be 
helpful to the experienced user of operational amplifiers, as well as the new user, in extending 
the range of potential applications in which these devices can be used to advantage. 
It is assumed that the reader will have a basic knowledge of electronics, but no particular 
knowledge of operational amplifiers is needed to use this handbook. The operational amplifier is 

treated as a circuit component inherently subject to certain rules of operation. The design of the 
operational amplifiers themselves is considered only when necessary to describe their less 
evident properties. 
Readers with a working knowledge of operational amplifiers will want to refer directly to the 
circuit collection. Readers whose job functions have not previously brought them in contact with 
operational amplifiers will want to proceed directly through the handbook until the desired degree 
of familiarity is obtained. 
Refinements are continuously being made in the design and application of operational 
amplifiers, yet the basic principles of application remain the same. Please do not hesitate to 
contact Texas Instruments at any time with questions or comments arising from the use of this 
handbook. It is, after all, intended for you, the user. 

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