Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Excel Formulas 2010

Excel supports a special type of formula known as an array formula . When you enter an array for
mula, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (not just Enter). Excel encloses an array formula in brackets in order
to remind you that it’s an array formula. When I list an array formula, I include the brackets to 
make it clear that it is, in fact, an array formula. For example:{=SUM(LEN(A1:A10))}

You can use this book any way you please. If you choose to read it cover to cover while lounging 
on a sunny beach in Kauai, that’s fine with me. More likely, you’ll want to keep it within arm’s 
reach while you toil away in your dimly lit cubicle.
Due to the nature of the subject matter, the chapter order is often immaterial. Most readers will 
probably skip around, picking up useful tidbits here and there. The material contains many exam-

ples, designed to help you identify a relevant formula quickly. If you’re faced with a challenging 
task, you may want to check the index first to see whether the book specifically addresses your 

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